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Making sense of the structure of the Virtual Device file in Fibaro

Investigating the structure of the Virtual Device file used by HC2

If you have ever wondered what the format of the virtual device (vfib) is then here it is. It is basically a squashed json file. JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation and has been adopted as a standard for data swapping across platforms.

A sample of .vfib file

  "name": "RH Garage Door",
  "type": "virtual_device",
  "properties": {
    "deviceIcon": 1022,
    "categories": "[\"other\"]",
    "currentIcon": "1025",
    "log": "",
    "logTemp": "",
    "mainLoop": "local name   = 'Grg Door Right';\n local id     = fibaro:getSelfId ();\n
      local sensor = fibaro:getValue ('540', 'value');\n\n      if sensor ~= '0'\nthen\n
      --fibaro:call (device, \"setProperty\", \"ui.LabelStatus.value\", \"OPEN\");\n
      fibaro:call (id, 'setProperty', 'currentIcon', 1026);\n
      fibaro:startScene (132,{{['add']=name..' Open'}});\nelse  \n
      --fibaro:call (device, \"setProperty\", \"ui.LabelStatus.value\", \"CLOSED\");\n
      fibaro:call (id, 'setProperty', 'currentIcon', 1025);\n
      fibaro:startScene (132,{{['add']=name..' Closed'}});\nend",
    "visible": "true",
    "rows": [
        "type": "label",
        "elements": [
            "id": 1,
            "lua": false,
            "waitForResponse": false,
            "caption": "Status",
            "name": "LabelStatus",
            "favourite": false,
            "main": false
        "type": "button",
        "elements": [
            "id": 2,
            "lua": true,
            "waitForResponse": false,
            "caption": "Open",
            "name": "ButtonOpen",
            "empty": false,
            "msg": "fibaro:call ('214', 'turnOn')",
            "buttonIcon": 1027,
            "favourite": false,
            "main": false
            "id": 3,
            "lua": true,
            "waitForResponse": false,
            "caption": "Close",
            "name": "ButtonClose",
            "empty": false,
            "msg": "fibaro:call ('214', 'turnOff')",
            "buttonIcon": 1027,
            "favourite": false,
            "main": false
        "type": "button",
        "elements": [
            "id": 4,
            "lua": true,
            "waitForResponse": false,
            "caption": "Toggle",
            "name": "ButtonToggle",
            "empty": false,
            "msg": "local sensor = fibaro:getValue ('540', 'value');\n\n
              if sensor ~= '0'\n
              then   \n
              fibaro:call ('214', 'turnOff')\nelse  \n
              fibaro:call ('214', 'turnOn')\nend",
            "buttonIcon": 1027,
            "favourite": false,
            "main": true
  "actions": {
    "pressButton": 1,
    "setSlider": 2,
    "setProperty": 2


This is a 3 row user interface with a block of main code and a block of code for a button :

Sample Code

Here is the Lua code expanded for the button action.

    local sensor = fibaro:getValue ('540', 'value');

    if sensor ~= '0'
      fibaro:call ('214', 'turnOff')
      fibaro:call ('214', 'turnOn')

Dissecting the structure of the .vfib file

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Investigating the structure of the Quick Apps file used by HC3

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